Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Where in the World is the Faroe Islands

I have a few ask the question "Where is the Faroe Islands" so I thought I would provide some basic information.

When I was young I remember how difficult it was to explain the Faroe Islands or being Faroese that I quite often would take the easy way out and just say I was Danish and that my family was from Denmark. For those of you who do not know the Faroe Islands is an autonomous region of Denmark. But for quite awhile I have been promoting that I am Faroese and that my family is from the Faroe Islands. Partially in support of the Faroe Islands seeking total independence from Denmark and partially to let everyone know what a great and beautiful place the Faroe Islands are.

Anyway one to the games my brother, sister and I would play with maps or globes is to see if they would have the Faroe Islands on it. You wouldn't believe that 40+ years ago how many had nothing on the map about the Faroe Islands.

So lets get to it. The Faroe Islands are 18 islands in the North Atlantic. One of the best ways to describe where they are on a map is to find the Shetland Islands on a map. (The Shetland Islands are a part of Scotland and are located just north of Scotland.) Then find Iceland on the map. Draw a line between the two locations, and split it in half and you will find the Faroe Islands.

Of the 18 islands that make up the Faroe Islands, 17 of them are inhabited. Only Litla Dimun has no one living on it.

So hopefully this gives some of you an idea of where the Faroe Islands are. It also wouldn't be right if I didn't give you the location of the island that my family comes from which is Nolsoy. It is an island with only one village on with the same name. It is located directly east of the capital Torshavn.



very beautiful site.

Mary Jo Manzanares said...

I'm embarrassed to admit that I did not know where the Faroe Islands were. I'm looking forward to learning more now!

Lothiane said...

Interesting! I didn't exactly know where these islands are, but I thought they'd be north of Scotland. It confused me when you said the islands belong to Denmark, as I've thought they were Scottish, like Shetland.

So.. I learned something today. Thank you!

JD said...

Do Americans ever move to the Faroe Islands? I am truly captivated by the place and want to visit in the worst way.

fleissig9 said...

From fleissig.
ja som dansker ved vi jo færøerne er og min syn er at der er et fint forhold mellem os gennem mange år.
Flot og interessant site og ganske pro.
Hav forsat en god fra en old Thule Air Base Greenland engineer!

Anonymous said...

Jeg glemte at vise min hjemmeside prøv at kigge der er flere fine tiltag samt fotos af egne billeder.

Anonymous said...

I have just received an email denouncing a "annual Pilot whale or black fish cull" in the Faroe, with horrifying pictures.
I live in Portugal a country that shares an intense love for the sea so, for people used to surf with dolphins and swim with whales this is a shock.
Can you confirm that this cull indeed happens and if yes, what, if anything, is being done to stop it?
Cheers, Manuel

Jovanka said...

I love the Faroe Islands from the photos I've seen! Do you know if it's possible to get there by ship from continental Europe? (I don't like to fly)

Is there a reason the rooftops have grass on them?

It must be so nice to live in a place like that.

arachesostufo said...

fantastic... you live in a paradise..

ciao da Venezia italy

Anonymous said...

What a nice place to live

Dimitri said...

Thanks for this site - the photos and information about your island. Would like to escape there. May have to, the ways things are going. - Best -

Anonymous said...

Stumbled upon your site here; very nice. You're most welcome to visit & or join our "general purpose" message board/forum. This would be a new & interesting subject for us.


fuckupper said...

hey. I am glad that you posted something like this. Unfortunately no one knows about Faroe Islands really.I was googling some faroese souvenieres but I am out of luck. Anyways good job again!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful place

Anonymous said...

It is so nice to see this. I am American and my girlfriend is an international student who hails from the Faroe Islands. I have to show her!

Anonymous said...

incredibly beautiful! hope to visit one day. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I thinkyour treament of the whale and dolphin species is disgusting You are a barbaric people and i hope that you get your just deserts one day !

The Faroe islands are the last place on Earth i would want to visit it resembles HELL!

Arnleyg said...

Appreciate your attention for our little islands

Greetings from the Faroes

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Very very beautiful Faroe Island ..

I write a novel for young people in Thai ..

would like to have some pictures from you for my writing " A window through the Sky"


Thank you for all,

Janine Yasovant

Carla Munevar said...

do you guys still kill whales up there? i would not be able to go because i have a hard time with that. it really hurts me to see such sweet animals be treated so cruel.

Willem K said...

... but what about this tradition of killing delphine dolphins? See the horrendous pictures on Flickr.
As long as this goes on, the Faroe Islands will not see me coming to enjoy their beauties!
Willem Kranendonk (Amsterdam NL)

Unknown said...

Hi, we were watching the football match our team Besiktas and Vikingur and we realized that we don't know where is Faroe Island and just googled it , so I've found your site, it is really a beautiful country, I like the photos, I hope you see Istanbul one day and like here too

Anonymous said...

"North Northwest the storms of Faroe....all colors bleed to red"

Anonymous said...

its beautiful until whales come in and they slaughter them with hooks after the beach them on purpose....

Anonymous said...

this is not a paradise itis a slaughter house when a grind comes